
Exemple: Adjoint, Marketing

Exemple: Paris, Marseille

PhD "A game-theoretic approach to efficient and sustainable cloud computing systems." M/F

Lieu de travail: Châtillon, Hauts-de-Seine

based on state-of-the-art mathematical methods to address a key issue for the Orange group. You will have the opportunity......

Salaire: indisponible

Entreprise: Orange

Date de l'emploi: 19 Jui 2024
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PhD "A game-theoretic approach to efficient and sustainable cloud computing systems." M/F
Orange -

Châtillon, Hauts-de-Seine

- - 19 Jui 2024
about the role Your role is to carry out a PhD on “a game-theoretic approach to efficient and sustainable cloud... digital domain where demand is strongly increasing). In this context, cloud computing solutions are large-scale systems...

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